Chairman EAA
Engineering Aid Australia has expanded and grown since its inception in 1996
Our combined efforts have resulted in approximately 800 students participating in the IAES since its inception – over 40 former IAES former students are currently studying for a Degree in Engineering or a related course. In recent times on average 11 Indigenous High School students have gone onto study Engineering or a related course at University after attending one of our two annual Indigenous Australian Engineering Schools held in Sydney and Perth.
This significant progress has not been possible without our valued Sponsors and our dedicated and passionate Board members, past and present – so a big thank you to all. We feel justifiably proud and affirm our commitment to continue to build on Jeff Dobell’s legacy now – and in the years to come.
Greg Steele
The late Jeff Dobell (1939-2010) had a vision of nation building, community by community, with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students becoming engineers to shape their future. Click here to read the obituary that was published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Since the inception of its IAES Program in 1996, Engineering Aid Australia has teamed with Universities to introduce Indigenous High School students to the Engineering profession.
EEA also seeks to assist Indigenous young Australians who attend an IAES by:
This pilanthropic program is now championed by EEA’s Patron, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd.), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and supported by industry leaders, corporations, charitable trusts and private donors.
“Across Australia we are united in our love, respect and grieving for one of the greatest Australians of our lifetime, Robert James Lee Hawke, who has passed away at the age of 89. The former Prime Minister died peacefully at home with his wife, Blanche D’Alpuget and other family by his side. He expressed no fear of death and in his last days turned his words to the political cause of equality in the country he loved so dearly.
Mr. Hawke spoke often of his huge satisfaction and sense of responsibility in encouraging young Indigenous people to become “nation builders”.
The students, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders from around the land, responded to his authenticity and the keen way he listened to their aspirations. In the words of one of New South Wales’ first Aboriginal engineers, Ben Lange, “Forever, our Uncle Bob”. In expressing his love of all Australians, Bob Hawke was in return loved by so many.”
His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of Australia, becomes our patron, following the passing of our former patron, The Hon. Bob Hawke, AC.
I am delighted to become Patron of Engineering Aid Australia. For over 20 years, Engineering Aid Australia has, quite literally, been “building futures”.
By helping Indigenous high school students, particularly those with an aptitude for maths and science, to complete high school, progress to university and into engineering careers they support not just the individual, but also the broader community and, ultimately, all of Australia.
Engineering Aid Australia’s Indigenous Australian Engineering School (IAES) Program helps young Indigenous people achieve their potential and, in doing so, our nation to reach its.
I look forward to working with the organisation’s volunteer directors and management team, its supporters, including sponsors from the engineering, mining, construction and infrastructure sectors, and the wonderful young people participating in the program.
Tracey Dennis
Jonathan Taylor
Anne Vans-Colina
Public Relations
Larissa Andrews
Annabel Castledine
Kathy Baker
Billie-Grace Dunk
Leon Oriti
Kevin Hopkins
David Harding
Samara El-Kazzi
Financial Administrator
Elaine Pye